Posts tagged sovereignty
Reclaim your self-sovereignty

The age of giving our power away is over. This is when we reclaim our self-sovereignty. This is when we reclaim our truth.

No person or institution is going to carry the work for us. No one is our savior. The savior has been reborn within.

The Aquarian age teaches us that our individual experience becomes the collective experience. Our individual healing resonates across the cosmos. One voice can transform a galaxy. Your voice.

You have the ability to choose yourself. To choose not to participate in forces of control designed to subjugate your divinity. To choose to break free from the mind-altering, hypnotic mechanisms of domination and oppression. If we all made the choice to reclaim our power, to reclaim LOVE as the guiding force that weaves the earthly experience — then our experience would be very different. Our world would be very different.

TRUTH is the magic elixir of transformation. Truth awakens dormancy. But we have to be willing to step into the possibilities of awakening and challenge our belief systems. To see and understand both the light and darkness of our reality.

The darkness will continue to become more extreme and obvious until we realize that *we are the ones giving it power.* But we can choose... not to put someone or something else on the pedestal. To put ourselves there. To put LOVE there. Love of self (divinity) = love of existence = love of truth = love of ALL.

Your sovereign glory

The time is now to rewrite your story. To let the old beliefs, habits, and obligations dissolve.

We are being pushed to find a new way — tested and triggered to release our grasp on the way things were. The old ways no longer exist.

Your growth is your obligation now — separated in solitude to grow from the flame and spark within. Listen to your divine plan and release your grasp on the attachments that don’t belong to you.

What would you do if everything changed? What did you do when everything changed? Rise now, don’t hold yourself back. Release the guilt and programming that keeps you small and in the shadows.

When all of the masks come off, how will you be seen? How do you want to be seen? Walk through the portal and allow yourself to shine in all of your sovereign glory.

Creating your own light

The guru calling for your energy doesn’t sit on your altar; it is your own soul who speaks. It is you, writing the path of wisdom from the infinite source within. Your voice won’t awaken from chanting someone else’s song, because spirit wrote you the most beautiful orchestra within your heart.

Seekers of Love, look no further than your own incarnation. The union you seek is guiding you back to the flame within. It will never reject you. It will light fires so bright that you will get chills up your spine. It will guide you back to remembering the initial spark, the evolutionary path of inspiration and awakening.

There is no right or wrong path, but there is your immense, intelligent potential. Your gifts have the ability to carve a new path, never seen or traveled before. Don’t be afraid of your abilities. Don’t be swayed by the easy path, the predictable way, the simple love — choose the path of eternal Love. Choose to gift your devotion to the work of your dharma. Bringing love back within shows the universe that you’re ready to commit to the work you came here to do.

Shallow waters are safer, yes. But did you come here for safe? Or did you come here to experience the terrifying depths of limitless, infinite potential? A flame can only warm shallow waters to a tepid, comfortable temperature — the cosmic kiddie pool. But fish who swim in the dark, unseen depths evolve to create their own light. Surrender to the current and you will light a flame bright enough to create galaxies.

There's no going back

Some people will be afraid of your strength.
Be strong anyways.

Some will dislike your boundaries.
Protect yourself anyways.

Those close to you may lash out when they can’t control you.
Stay in your sovereignty. Find a new tribe.

Some may laugh or roll their eyes at your ideas.
Let them. And then keep seeking, keep learning.

Many won’t understand your freedom, your wild nature.
That’s okay, because your reality is awesome.

Some may prefer you when you’re weak or needy.
But you are here to choose to be empowered and radiant.

The ones who try to pull you down from your power and light are testing your strength. They want you back in the shadows where they can see you and hold power over you.

But you’ve worked this hard.
You’ve come this far.
You’ve healed yourself in ways you never thought possible.
And there’s no going back.
Because it only gets better.

Deep waters

The deeper I get on this spiritual path and the more layers I uncover and shed, the more I realize that this journey is a creative and self-guided expression of self.

And sure, we can follow the teachings, honor the gurus, read the books, learn the lingo, be comfortable in our knowledge of past wisdom... but how much are you willing to learn and express the wisdom within? To step out of the comfort zone of someone else’s words and let your soul guide you? Your mind inform you? Your words inspire you? Your heart crack you open?

Are you evolving to be in the shadow of past teachings or are you willing to dive into the creative flame of awakening? To become the flame itself?

The Universe has a unique way of showing you your destiny. Guiding you to souls aligned with your path. Showing you past and future side-by-side. Comfort versus potential. Safety versus evolution. Shallow versus depth.

I’ve never been a good swimmer, but you’ll find me heading for deep waters. That’s where the ultimate surrender happens. And surrender is our first step on this path.

Are you ready? 😉

You are your own guru

You are your own teacher.

You have everything you need.

Never let anyone tell you that they hold the secrets to your awakening. Those secrets are yours. Let me repeat. You are the key to your awakening.

You do not need to worship at the feet of another human for salvation. You are your salvation. Bow to yourself. Worship yourself.

No one has the right or any spirit-/god-given authority to tell you how to live your life, what you should practice, or — and most importantly — who you are. Those are answers only found on the self-guided journey.

And here’s my personal (and perhaps unpopular) opinion.

Every time you surrender your inner authority to follow another human, you are telling the universe that you don’t have faith in your own abilities. It’s muddy. It’s uncertain. It’s the past. It’s unoriginal. The age of guru worship is over. Looking at an image of someone else won’t bring you closer to God, but looking within will.

This Aquarian age has provided us with unlimited resources! Infinite teachings and a wealth of empowering heart-centered teachers are available, and you get to decide what/who resonates. Learn the teachings, practice them, teach them, live them on YOUR own authority.

Imagine if every one of us harnessed our own inner power and shared it with the world — from our own perspectives, from our own intuitions, from our own channeled teachings.

The secret to being a pure and clear channel is to be your own authority. To choose your teachers, not because they have a special power over you, but because they are guiding you home to yourself. To trust yourself as a teacher... it’s why we’re all here. It’s what this Aquarian age is all about. This is how we evolve.

These are exciting times.