Posts tagged evolution
Creating your own light

The guru calling for your energy doesn’t sit on your altar; it is your own soul who speaks. It is you, writing the path of wisdom from the infinite source within. Your voice won’t awaken from chanting someone else’s song, because spirit wrote you the most beautiful orchestra within your heart.

Seekers of Love, look no further than your own incarnation. The union you seek is guiding you back to the flame within. It will never reject you. It will light fires so bright that you will get chills up your spine. It will guide you back to remembering the initial spark, the evolutionary path of inspiration and awakening.

There is no right or wrong path, but there is your immense, intelligent potential. Your gifts have the ability to carve a new path, never seen or traveled before. Don’t be afraid of your abilities. Don’t be swayed by the easy path, the predictable way, the simple love — choose the path of eternal Love. Choose to gift your devotion to the work of your dharma. Bringing love back within shows the universe that you’re ready to commit to the work you came here to do.

Shallow waters are safer, yes. But did you come here for safe? Or did you come here to experience the terrifying depths of limitless, infinite potential? A flame can only warm shallow waters to a tepid, comfortable temperature — the cosmic kiddie pool. But fish who swim in the dark, unseen depths evolve to create their own light. Surrender to the current and you will light a flame bright enough to create galaxies.

Deep waters

The deeper I get on this spiritual path and the more layers I uncover and shed, the more I realize that this journey is a creative and self-guided expression of self.

And sure, we can follow the teachings, honor the gurus, read the books, learn the lingo, be comfortable in our knowledge of past wisdom... but how much are you willing to learn and express the wisdom within? To step out of the comfort zone of someone else’s words and let your soul guide you? Your mind inform you? Your words inspire you? Your heart crack you open?

Are you evolving to be in the shadow of past teachings or are you willing to dive into the creative flame of awakening? To become the flame itself?

The Universe has a unique way of showing you your destiny. Guiding you to souls aligned with your path. Showing you past and future side-by-side. Comfort versus potential. Safety versus evolution. Shallow versus depth.

I’ve never been a good swimmer, but you’ll find me heading for deep waters. That’s where the ultimate surrender happens. And surrender is our first step on this path.

Are you ready? 😉