Posts in Monthly Forecasts
Astrology Forecast for Taurus Season

Season of Ancient Magic

Taurus season comes to us in the very heart of spring — a season of growth, life, joy, transformation, and magic — swirling with the energy of all the elements. Taurus is fixed earth as the airy east brings winds of change. Beltane ignites the sacred fires, and the spring rains cleanse and nourish the soil. Everything dances together in this season of richness; it is a time to connect with our desire energy and let the truth within expand and flourish.

Everything is growing and everything has the potential to grow. This is the season of the most pure and ancient magic. Do you want to create prosperity? Abundance? Love? Pleasure? Cast your wishes into the heart of this season and watch them grow like anahata (heart chakra) green transforming the earth. Christopher Renstrom writes that Taurus is the living embodiment of the law of attraction. “You don't have to go after what you want in life, because it often comes to you.”

Read the full forecast (for Patreon members)


  • Taurus musings, poetry, and practices

  • An invocation to summon material wealth and flow

  • Free access to my seasonal workshops

  • Seasonal crystal and essential oil correspondences

  • Reading recommendations

  • Spotify playlists

Full moon in Virgo: channeled message for the collective

Key words: love, surrender, polarity, oppositions, inner guidance, choice

Every moment in time contains multiple crossroads, many opportunities to choose. Does the direction you choose flow with the current of energy you want to manifest — the reality you want to create? Or is it being influenced by something outside of yourself?

The thoughts and vibrations we continually project create the energy and vibration of the planet. A blanket of fear won’t keep you warm and safe in difficult times. And you get to choose whether you want this reality to be difficult at all. In this structure of time and polarity, the opposite manifestation is always available. It already exists. And you are the one who chooses.

When you make choices for yourself, are they offering love? Are the things you put in your body demonstrating love? Are the words and thoughts you speak to yourself and others resonating love? Are the people you spend time with showing you love? Are your boundaries loving to yourself? Does your environment contain love?

Love isn’t a show of force, manipulation, or fear. It is the opposite manifestation of fear. Love is surrender and softness. It is allowing. It is choosing to honor yourself first as a vessel of love to blanket the planet with love. You are the universe creating this reality. You are the one who chooses.

Trust yourself, trust the process. 🌕

Full moon in Leo: channeled message for the collective

Things are moving quickly and destiny is arriving at full speed. This is a very karmic time. What have you been doing with all of the gifts and resources available to you? Clear seeing and deeper intuition is opening up to so many, so it’s going to be difficult for those who hide behind facades, manipulation, or lies. We are all being seen. And this is a good thing.

Everything you have been working to create will start to manifest — and this is good news for those of us who have been working to bring our gifts and offerings into the world. There are bigger forces working behind the scenes, portals opening, and seeds of inspiration finding their creative potential. Play close attention to your thoughts, actions, and intentions. Everything has powerful manifestation power right now. Frequencies are accelerating.

Now is the time to use all of your resources and knowledge to care for your vessel — body and home. Edit and fine tune how you are caring for yourself within your primary environment.

Leave behind energies and frequencies that seek to drain, rather than create. Use your keen and increasing vision to see through manipulative powers. Stay in YOUR power and your gifts. Don’t be afraid of being sovereign and independent when it comes to your creative potential. You have everything you need.

New moon/lunar new year in Aquarius: channeled message for the collective

I keep being shown a grid-like web of how we’re all connected in this Aquarian age. The network is so vast, the information so available, and the inner flames within all of us continue to grow and expand. Your unique energetic signature and gifts contain a key to unlocking and expanding this grid of awakening.

No longer are the wisdom teachings available to just a few. The trailblazing teachers who launched the Aquarian age made them all available to us. So many keys have been discovered. So many doors have been unlocked for everyone to access higher knowing.

We’re also being called to help redefine the definitions of success. The old formula worked for a while, but now we can see that it’s possible to do what you love, to dive into what you’re passionate about, and be successful. Exactly two years ago I mustered up enough self-worth to leave a comfortable, high-paying job and focus on my passions. And I say “self-worth,” because that’s what it was. It was having enough confidence in myself to believe that I had something to offer, and that I wouldn’t be punished by ditching the “formula.” I felt worthy enough not to sacrifice my happiness for a paycheck. (Spoiler alert: it all worked out.) And it really doesn’t matter what your passions are. If you study them enough and devote your life force to them, your passions will lead to your purpose.

This moon cycle might require some alone time in self-reflection to ground your energy and develop some daily rituals for success and well-being. Perhaps you want to devote extra time to your interests and passion projects. I highly recommend less screen time, turning off the news, and eliminating distractions as much as possible. Where does your energy want to go when it’s not being influenced by the external noise? Let your mind deprogram and free itself from the old fear-based structures that want to keep you trapped in the formula.

Because the world needs everything you have to offer.

Full moon and lunar eclipse: channeled message for the collective

We are the visionaries we’ve been waiting for. We have felt it for a while: the old paradigms shifting, the need for structure dissipating, the emotional gut feeling that a better way is possible. For so long, we tuned out that inner voice — avoiding it by staying busy and distracted, allowing ourselves to engage in the matrix’s tools of manipulation and deceit that keep us trapped in energies of fear and shame.

It’s hard to reason with the ego when the old ways become so ingrained. Many people will resist these shifts and hang on to their familiar ways with sharpness and force. But once we awaken to our true nature, those beliefs fall away with less and less resistance. Through the lens of love, we see through the illusions that hold us back.

As the feminine Shakti uncoils and rises, we become the visionaries. And she doesn’t follow your rules. 😘

2020 reading: channeled message for the collective

Key words for the year: trust, forgiveness, clarity, consequence, decisions, personal power, freedom, shadow

Trust your power.
This is the year to move closer in alignment with your highest self. But you can’t achieve — truly — by proving you’re the best, or knowing the most, or succeeding over others. You win by becoming and embodying your true, authentic self.

Trust the process.
The journey isn’t always supposed to be easy. We didn’t come here for easy. Many people will experience a layer of transformation, like shedding a layer of skin or clothing. As this new layer sheds, you’ll begin to feel lighter, perhaps freer. You’ll see and experience things in new ways. But don’t rush the process. Move through the lessons with patience and learn from them.

2019 may have felt heavy and immovable at times, but this was a catalyst year that ushered in many situations, people, and experiences to shift your reality. Some are mirrors — reflections of what’s possible, or reflecting where there are opportunities for change. Some are lessons here to teach you how to love, in ways beyond your previous layers of understanding. Remember, love doesn’t seek to gain from anyone or anything. Love seeks to lift the other.

There may be a number of opportunities and decisions that could alter the course of your life. The key to remaining steady for these decisions and changes is regulation. Regulate emotional responses, habits, behavior. Bring more awareness to the every day, rather than staying in autopilot. But don’t worry too much about what’s right/wrong and please don’t look backwards with regret. Things will move along no matter what. The sun will continue to rise in the east and set in the west.

Reflections on Scorpio Season

Scorpio uncovers the true identity beneath the mask. It navigates the deepest and heaviest waters. This intensity certainly doesn’t make Scorpio season easy, but it is through this transformational power that we discover the truth.

We tend to associate change with heaviness. Either we aim to release the burdens we carry or we feel that transformation comes with burdens. But what if the burdens are simply a blindfold keeping us hidden in a false identity or sense of safety? By keeping our eyes closed to the truth of who we are, we create the heaviness that keeps us stuck. Change (death/rebirth) doesn’t have to mean drastic reconfiguration or sacrifice. All we need to do is release the false stories and open our eyes. Show our real face to the world.

I tend to make big decisions during Scorpio season, but not necessarily because of a redirect. This fixed, powerful, and highly psychic energy simply doesn’t leave space for complacency. We may not want to see the truth, but it’s there just the same. Staying blind to it only increases the intensity and heaviness.

The season starts off with a new moon in Scorpio on Sunday, opposite Uranus. This is a highly unpredictable and impulsive configuration that may just rip the blindfold right off. But it doesn’t need to if we choose to do the work ourselves. I’m not going to lie, I’m a little bit nervous about traveling on this day because of the shock nature of the transit, but I have faith in my decisions aligning with the highest good. And spending Scorpio season and Samhain in magical Britain is absolutely following the call of my heart. ❤️

Are you ready to explore your truth?

Reflections on Libra Season

Happy Equinox, Mabon, and first day of Libra season! I love this time of the year (almost) as much as the Summer Solstice window. On the surface, there is much to be appreciated. Beautiful fall colors, plenty of food to be harvested, idyllic temperatures, and the excitement of upcoming holidays. Yet underneath that beauty and bounty there is deep transformative energy. Nature begins her retreat, displaying all that she worked hard to produce. And energetically, we also prepare for hibernation, honoring what we’ve accomplished and letting go of the things that didn’t fit.

The other night as I was falling asleep, I suddenly shot out of bed to write the following words:

“The things you desire are as beautiful and perilous as autumn leaves.

“Look away and all that you love becomes vibrant without you.

“The last of your opportunities fading with the waning sun.”

I will write a longer post about the meaning behind those words eventually, but the big message is *don’t look away.* If there’s something you want, make it a priority before the opportunity passes. It can be so easy to find distractions and excuses, but life is short and we have no idea how long we have. It’s like autumn in New England. It may last three months, it may last three days. But however long it lasts, beauty is there if we open our eyes and hearts to see it. The balance of Libra isn’t about compromising to accommodate the status quo. It’s about learning how to create harmony with all of the things we love and desire — a magical dance of temperance and pleasure. A Tantric dance, if you will. 😉

Because why else are we here, if not to have these transformational experiences of life?

Go for it.