New moon/lunar new year in Aquarius: channeled message for the collective


I keep being shown a grid-like web of how we’re all connected in this Aquarian age. The network is so vast, the information so available, and the inner flames within all of us continue to grow and expand. Your unique energetic signature and gifts contain a key to unlocking and expanding this grid of awakening.

No longer are the wisdom teachings available to just a few. The trailblazing teachers who launched the Aquarian age made them all available to us. So many keys have been discovered. So many doors have been unlocked for everyone to access higher knowing.

We’re also being called to help redefine the definitions of success. The old formula worked for a while, but now we can see that it’s possible to do what you love, to dive into what you’re passionate about, and be successful. Exactly two years ago I mustered up enough self-worth to leave a comfortable, high-paying job and focus on my passions. And I say “self-worth,” because that’s what it was. It was having enough confidence in myself to believe that I had something to offer, and that I wouldn’t be punished by ditching the “formula.” I felt worthy enough not to sacrifice my happiness for a paycheck. (Spoiler alert: it all worked out.) And it really doesn’t matter what your passions are. If you study them enough and devote your life force to them, your passions will lead to your purpose.

This moon cycle might require some alone time in self-reflection to ground your energy and develop some daily rituals for success and well-being. Perhaps you want to devote extra time to your interests and passion projects. I highly recommend less screen time, turning off the news, and eliminating distractions as much as possible. Where does your energy want to go when it’s not being influenced by the external noise? Let your mind deprogram and free itself from the old fear-based structures that want to keep you trapped in the formula.

Because the world needs everything you have to offer.