Posts tagged embodiment
Reclaim your power

Today is the perfect day to reclaim your power.
It doesn’t matter if you let things slide for a while.
Or if you defaulted to a trauma-based response.
Or if you repeated the same patterning you thought you mastered.
If you fell prey to fear, deceit, pressure, or manipulation.
If you let the neptunian fog of January cloud your vision.
It doesn’t matter.
It’s all okay.
Yesterday is yesterday.
And transformation doesn’t happen overnight.
The same lessons and tests manifest on repeat to build your strength.
To help you master self-worth.
To remind you of what still needs to heal.
And it’s all okay.
Because today, tomorrow, or whenever you are ready,
You can make the decision to reclaim your power.
To remember
that you’re fu€king worthy.
To give yourself to devotion,
The best of life,
The best of love,
And walk away from anything less.