Posts tagged capricorn
Jupiter in Capricorn

Today (12/2/19) the expansive planet Jupiter moves into the sign of Capricorn. Jupiter transits last for about a year, and I personally love the idea of Jupiter hanging out in Cap for a while. This happens to be my natal Jupiter placement (the only significant earth I have in my chart), and if you were born in 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, or 2007, then you most likely have this placement also.

Pluto and Saturn have been hanging out in Capricorn for quite a while, highlighting areas of responsibility and power struggles — so Jupiter making his fiery and combustible entrance feels like much-needed energy in these heavy times. The reason I love Jupiter in Capricorn is because it helps us do the work, stay focused, and devote to a higher purpose. It can provide sustained success and achievement in just about anything, as long as it’s aligned with your true essence. Jupiter in Capricorn natives generally have a strong sense of self and aren’t easily swayed off course.

I wouldn’t normally associate the fiery King of Wands with Capricorn, but he is Jupiter’s entrance — the potent combination of fire and earth — driven, purposeful, successful, and a master of creative expression. I’m happy he jumped out of my deck this morning so that we can reflect on and embody his energy.

What are you hoping to master in 2020?

A Love Song to Jupiter in Capricorn

Freedom may be my passion
and changing my mind is easy.
But my heart,
my heart
seeks only devotion.

is what fuels my desire,
the willingness to stand in stability,
to prioritize Love over all.

is what keeps me up at night with longing.
I will forever follow its call,
like moth to flame,
ready to be consumed.

(Except I am the wind created by wings
dissolving into a gust of breeze.)

When devotion is present,
when dedication and commitment are the offering,
it’s all I can see.

When Love is the promise,
it’s all I can feel.
Everything else is just a game.

You have to be willing to offer everything you have
to receive everything you want.
Hands out, heart open,
focused only on that which is Love.