An Imbolc invocation


And so we connect with the element of air and the cold winds of winter, breathing and receiving the awakened breath for clear vision and expanded possibility. May the air keep us alert, aware, and present — so that we receive the wisdom of living in alignment with the ever-changing breeze and the messages that guide us to evolve in love.

As the air arrives from the east, it alights the fires of the south within — the passion and purpose that fuels creation. May the growing sun give us light and sustenance for the days ahead as it stirs and awakens the lifeblood of body and spirit. Let us gather together to warm our hearts by Brigid’s hearth, allowing hope to transform inspiration into manifestation. And with the fires of life, we remember. Everything we need is within.

Healing arrives from the west in the silent snows that blanket the earth, crystalline water of full-spectrum light, and the eventual melting of ice into streams and waterfalls. The waters nourish our emotional landscape, dissolving hard edges and pain into generosity, gratitude, and true affection. Water, thank you for teaching us how to be in the flow of love and to recognize the other as they are, beyond our perceptions of self — and to love every wave, ripple, and direction as an individual miracle in the totality of the ocean.

And with these seeds, we lovingly root into the nurturing soil of the mother in the north. Earth, thank you for providing everything we need to heal and create magic from your life-giving grid. With your guidance, we remember the sacred rhythm of giving and receiving — and as we heal from the earth, it heals from us. Thank you for allowing us to be part of this living and breathing biome of creation, and we trust that with your love our seeds will root, grow, and blossom into the beauty and love that is our divine purpose.

And so it is.