A winter solstice invocation


And so we begin the shortest day in the North, in the realm of scented pine and weathered ash. We arise as the sun rises in the northeast, a dim day with a new beginning. And while the candle flames dance for the longest night and the hearth warms our cold winter bones, we tell tales of Fate and Destiny…

We celebrate and embrace in winter’s womb for the sun god’s rebirth and a new year of possibility.

We rekindle words left unsaid and the laughter that we sheltered under smooth lines and the guise of responsibility.

Perhaps we pray to Desire herself to align with Destiny’s path — allowing her to paint vibrant colors on our many disciplines and devotions.

Perhaps we let Fate whisper secrets into the dreamtime.

Perhaps our memories and magic inspire Time to soften his hard edges, so that every resolution and karmic unfolding become a story written from the heart.

But, perhaps, just for now, we stand beneath the sun god’s low winter light and simply affirm, in this season and the next, I will love you.