Love is always waiting


It’s easy to choose fear. It’s easy to choose the reactive response. But it’s also SO easy to choose the arms of love in THIS moment. It’s so easy. Fear says you can’t, but you are more powerful than that. Love is always waiting behind the veil of your beliefs and illusions. She’s always reaching out her hand.

You’ll spend your entire life trying to fill the void. You can build the safest and sturdiest cage. You can control every aspect of your existence as best you can, fabricating futures that will never happen, denying the bliss of the present moment in exchange for the mind’s false certainty.

Or you can choose to stay open and experience your divinity in the omnipresent ecstasy of NOW. To live and choose love and know the meaning of happiness.

The world will exist as it always does. The polarities and the divides can go on. They can attempt to take away your life force. But at least for NOW you and I can choose to experience and live in the reality of love. And that’s enough. It’s always enough. In fact, it’s everything. It’s how we change the world.

Mandi GarrisonComment