Discomfort to Creation


Capricorn. Cardinal Earth. This is the earth of creation, formed from the energy of awakening. This is how our landscapes are created. These are the wonders of the world, birthed from the ground to be a witness and to be witnessed.

And how does earth form? How do the mountains burst from within the core? How does the surface crack open? How do the canyons mold and deepen, creating portals into rock?

First, the earth must experience the discomfort of movement and change. The fire underneath the surface creates heat and turmoil. Energy and pressure from stagnancy create a breaking away of attachment. Emotions like water form deep grooves and patterns of character.

In order to birth something so beautiful, to surge from the ground, to create something where there was nothing, we begin with discomfort. And the discomfort turns into pressure, and the pressure becomes action, and the action becomes creation.

A Capricorn stellium in our current cosmic blueprint is indeed uncomfortable. We are being asked to follow the path of discomfort to creation. What needs to change? What fires are burning within? What patterns keep grinding, and where is evolution possible?

Every mountain once had to rise to meet the air. It may not be predictable above the surface, but it’s the only way to grow.

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