Divination in Darkness

Tarot Specials for the Season of Longer Nights

The period from Samhain to the Solstice is my favorite time of the year for divination. As the nights get longer and the veil gets thinner, we can go deep within the cauldron of transformation, prepare for the year ahead, and receive guidance on our soul’s journey. These Tarot readings are offered at discounted prices with limited spots available until the Winter Solstice.

Tarot Tuesday Readings (BEST VALUE)

Schedule a 45-minute intuitive Tarot reading for just $50! These readings are only offered on Tuesdays before 5 PM.

Transformation Spread | 45 mins | $77

Go deep into the areas of life that are truly important to you by exploring what creates inner alignment. Receive guidance on how to better express your needs and desires, learn shadow integration techniques, and let the Tarot open new doors of insight by helping you get honest about what you truly want.

Prosperity Spread | 45 mins | $77

Connect with your prosperity current in this Tarot reading that helps to unlock your pathway to abundance and the pleasures of life. Gain insight into your accomplishments and access to physical resources, go deeper into gratitude and opportunities for inner peace, learn more about your unique gifts, and uncover what you need to release to invite in more of what you want.

Deep Dive Tarot Reading | 60 mins | $88

Let’s dive into some of the energies and inquiries on your mind and heart. I will offer an intuitively guided Tarot reading to help you gain deeper insight into one or numerous area(s) of interest.

Year in Review Tarot Reading | 90 mins | $99

Highly recommend for the end of the year! Very limited spots available.

The Year in Review spread is my favorite for offering important inquiry and insight for the new year. It reviews the previous year, lessons learned, aspirations for the year ahead, gifts and obstacles you may encounter, career, health, relationships, goals, upcoming lessons, and the overall energy for the coming year. This spread utilizes 12 cards. Bring a notepad or request that the meeting be recorded to access later!

TarotMandi GarrisonComment
The magic of life happens when we are present enough to notice

Beginning a daily meditation practice doesn’t have to be complicated. It doesn’t require checking off days or forcing a certain practice at a certain time. I used to do this a lot: strict daily sadhanas, forcing myself to do things in a certain order, choosing practices I didn’t necessarily enjoy but gave me the validation of discipline. It didn’t achieve much except to create more attachment. The feeling of guilt when you miss a day, forcing something that doesn’t feel aligned, the sense of accomplishment by achieving a goal number — all of these things (in my opinion and experience) feel rooted in attachment and sometimes achieve the opposite effect of what I desire.

My desire with a meditative practice is simple: to feel at ease with the ebbs and flows of life. Sure, there are certain practices I do on a regular basis but that’s because they bring me peace and balance. They didn’t become ingrained as a habit due to force, but because they are aligned. When something is aligned, it feels natural. When something makes you feel more connected to your true self, it becomes the highlight of your week. I have no idea how many days in a row I’ve meditated. All I care about is how I feel.

I suggest starting simple. Connect your meditation practice with something you love. I love to pull cards in the morning and that has become a meditation for me. I love to relax with my morning coffee and that became the space for journaling and meditation. I love to walk and nothing feels more meditative than listening to nature and being present for simple joys like trees blowing in the wind or sun rays on a path. Class is great, because you learn different tools and techniques and what works for you, but it can be as simple as just observing the present moment.

Some days my routine shifts and I’m okay with that, because I’m not attached to things being a certain way. I can peacefully adapt to changing moods, unexpected shifts, and things being imperfect. And that’s what a meditative practice should help us to do: appreciate every moment as it is. The magic of life happens when we are present enough to notice.

Mandi GarrisonComment
The power of presence

There is a belief that meditation is a practice to clear your mind. And while in some cases, we can use techniques to enjoy moments of clarity and calm, meditation is not a strategy to push away or suppress your thoughts. The real goal — the true healing — comes when we can learn to be present with the mind. When we can sit with ALL the thoughts, even the muck, and be at ease. It is a process to get to know and become more comfortable with ourselves. Instead of pushing things away, we become less attached, more aware, more conscious of thoughts as mindstuff. It’s just energy.

It’s not an easy journey, but it’s greatly supported by our yoga practice. Yoga was never created as a purely physical exercise. It was designed to create the optimal conditions for meditation and enlightenment. Through the physical practices, we can fine-tune the subtle energy body and strengthen the nervous system to become more present, more integrated, more willing to be in the frequency of truth. And that’s only the beginning…

Mandi GarrisonComment
This is my yoga

My physical practice is essential to me, because I understand the body’s role as a vehicle for soul evolution.

Think of the body as a tuning fork for the multitude of energies we process and manage every day — thoughts, emotions, external frequencies (natural and unnatural), other people’s energy, etc. In my experience, when my body is operating at a higher frequency, I am better able to process energy with clarity. Compassion. Love.

My yoga practice is more than just staying in shape. It’s a devotion to soul. It’s an elevation of my subtle energy field. There’s no right amount of DOing one must accomplish in order to see results. The practice of yoga helps us be in deep reverence to the body. I believe that when the body is shown this love and devotion on a regular basis, it responds to match the frequency.

We’re given this one vehicle in this life to help us achieve what we came here to achieve. What types of messages are you sending to your body? How are you caring for it? What are you coding into the subtle layers? What messages is the body sending YOU? And how can you begin to listen?

In class, I repeatedly remind you to do what feels RIGHT in your body. We’re wayyyy beyond the old paradigm of physical perfection in a yoga practice. We are working at higher levels now and awakening the subtle field much faster than ever before. It starts with LOVING the body. Through love, we deeply listen. Through listening, we move. We breathe. We adjust. We fine-tune the energy field. We start to feel the effects much faster. We bring the spiritual into the physical and the physical into the spiritual.

This is my yoga.

Mandi GarrisonComment
Weekly Tarot Forecast for the New Moon in Cancer

Self-trust is an act of love

The High Priestess operates in pure neutrality. She does not judge; she offers a mirror for us to see ourselves and reclaim sovereignty. She helps us connect to the wisdom of the body so that it becomes our spiritual guide. A priestess does not tell us the outcome; she reawakens quantum timelines so that we are empowered to choose our own destiny. A priestess does not tell us who we are; she helps us see ourselves through our own eyes and awakened heart. A priestess does not force change; she holds space for us to arrive when we're ready and the fires of transformation ignite within.

Read the full forecast (for Patreon members):

  • Current energetics: the crossroads

  • My path as a priestess

  • Practices to embody the High Priestess

  • The role of spiritual practitioners during times of change

  • Meditations to connect to your intuitive knowing

  • New moon inspiration

Weekly Tarot Forecast for the Summer Solstice

Establish a container for your time and energy

The Emperor is an energy of mastery. It operates with a very linear, masculine force that knows what needs to be done and finds the path to get there. This card comes up during times when goal-setting, daily disciplines, commitments, and accountability can create the transformation we seek. It's a reminder that we have a greater power within us that can work WITH the body and mind to harness and appropriately direct our time and life force energy. 

Read the full post (for Patreon members):

  • The energy of the Solstice and the peak of sunlight

  • Why daily disciplines and aligned action can support us during this time

  • Cancer season as the container for your energy

  • Messages from The Emperor

  • Access to my energy healing event this weekend

  • A morning meditation for creativity and productivity

  • Schedule a free 15-minute reading

Weekly Tarot Forecast and Spiritual Guidance (6/13/23)

The truth will set you free.

The Ace of Swords is one of my favorite cards in the Tarot, because it represents piercing through the illusions and getting clear on the truth of things. It can also be an opportunity for you to create clarity in your own life — speaking your truth and setting clear objectives about what is in your highest good.

Read the full post (for Patreon members)

  • The truth will set you free

  • Getting clear with the Ace of Swords

  • How are your beliefs manifesting reality?

  • Steps to protect your energy and call your power back

  • The healing energy of forgiveness


  • Meditations for clarity and protection

  • A music playlist to call your power back

  • Free coupon code for June's restorative workshop

Weekly Tarot Forecast (6/6/23)

Great awakening

This week's reading brings some big energy in the form of Judgement or Liberation. As you can see, this card came up twice in two different decks and with two different but powerful images…

Read the full post (for Patreon members):

  • The great awakening of Judgement

  • How Judgement can manifest

  • A recording of a healing restorative workshop to work with the energy

  • An Akashic message from March 2023 that feels resonant

Weekly Tarot and Full Moon Forecast (5/30/23)

The sacred dance of giving and receiving

"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do. There are many way to kneel and kiss the ground." — Rumi

The Six of Pentacles is an encouraging message of prosperity and good fortune, with the understanding that we are part of a sacred balance. With prosperity, we can give prosperously. With good fortune, we can give fortune to others.

Read the full post (for Patreon members):

  • Opening up to receive

  • Practices to soften the nervous system

  • Working with the goddess Lakshmi

  • Abundance-themed practices to connect with Lakshmi

  • Full moon astrology insight

  • Free full moon events

Weekly Tarot Forecast (5/23/23)

Trust the cycles of your life.

Everything changes, and what may seem like a contraction now could be an expansion tomorrow. 

Read the full post (for Patreon members):

  • The Wheel of Fortune and our personal cycles and phases

  • What this season is calling us to explore and why

  • Yin yoga inspired by the wheel of life

  • Inspirational playlist for Gemini Season

Reclaim your vibration

Everything in this universe exists in polarity. What you perceive as insecurities can be your greatest gifts. What you interpret as your biggest fears can become your greatest opportunities. What are you affirming every day? The negative polarity or the positive one? Let’s reclaim the gift. Let’s reclaim your truth.

Instead of:

  • I need to be fixed. —> I am perfect exactly as I am.

  • No one understands me. —> I am too awesome to fit in anyone’s box.

  • I am a work in progress. —> I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow.

  • There is never enough. —> I live on an abundant planet with everything I could ever need.

  • I need this to be happy. —> I am absolutely happy.

  • I’m not good at this. —> I am giving this my own unique expression.

  • I am self-conscious about my appearance and/or body. —> I love every part of my beautiful, adaptable, and intelligent body.

  • This thing won’t heal. —> Every day I notice and feel how much healing is happening.

Words are programs. The phrases we repeat every day get embedded into our subconscious and form our belief systems, thereby manifesting our perception of reality. Reclaim your vibration and refuse to entertain any program that makes you feel bad or affirms something that isn’t true. This is the truth:

  • You are whole and complete.

  • You are enough.

  • You have the power to change your reality.

  • You carry the exact codes and gifts the planet/collective needs.

  • You are a one-of-a-kind creator.

  • Your existence is proof that we live in a magical universe.

  • You are worthy of anything you want.

  • You are an expression of LOVE.

Thank you for being you.

Mandi GarrisonComment